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CalcioHockey su ghiaccioBasketballTennisPalla a volo
Boxe (nessuna diffusione)CorseSport ivernaleGara podistica, atletica leggera...
Oggi (3 marzo, lunedì)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Kigali 2 ATP Challenger. Kigali 2
10:10 (ATP Challenger. Kigali 2)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Kigali 2 Guy Den Ouden – Filip Misolic
12:00 (ATP Challenger. Kigali 2)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Ryan Peniston – Mark Whitehouse
13:00 (ATP Challenger)
Sport invernali. Sci alpinismo Campionato mondiale
13:00 (Sci alpinismo)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Kigali 2 Zdenek Kola – Yanki Erel
13:10 (ATP Challenger. Kigali 2)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Donne. Campionato del mondo. Div III A Romania (D) – Lituania (D)
13:30 (Div III A)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Chris Rodesch – Ergi Kirkin
13:45 (ATP Challenger)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Matisse Bobichon – Mukund Sasikumar
14:00 (ATP Challenger)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Philip Henning – Lilian Marmousez
14:00 (ATP Challenger)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Russia. VHL Metallurg Nk – Kristall
14:00 (Russia. VHL)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Russia. VHL Sokol Krasnoyarsk – Dizel
14:00 (Russia. VHL)
Pallamano. Turchia. Super League Besiktas – Rize Genclik
14:00 (Turchia. Super League)
Futsal. Georgia. Campionato CIU – Armia
14:00 (Georgia. Campionato)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Kigali 2 Jesper De Jong – Alex-Marti Pujolras
14:00 (ATP Challenger. Kigali 2)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Kigali 2 Jesper De Jong – Alex Marti Pujolras
14:00 (ATP Challenger. Kigali 2)
Calcio. Singapore. Coppa DPMM – Albirex Niigata
14:30 (Singapore. Coppa)
Pallavolo. Kazakistan. Donne. Lega Nazionale Kuanysh (D) – Aktobe (D)
14:30 (Lega Nazionale)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Kigali 2 Carlos Sanchez Jover – Max Houkes
14:55 (ATP Challenger. Kigali 2)
Calcio. Serbia. Superliga Jedinstvo Ub – Backa Topola
15:00 (Serbia. Superliga)
Calcio. Bulgaria. Prima Lega Slavia Sofia – Botev Plovdiv
15:00 (Bulgaria. Prima Lega)
Calcio. Turchia. Super League Gaziantep – Eyupspor
15:00 (Turchia. Super League)
Calcio. Turchia. Super League Konyaspor – Trabzonspor
15:00 (Turchia. Super League)
Calcio. Azerbaigian. Premier League Sabail – Keshla
15:00 (Azerbaigian. Premier League)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Russia. NMHL JHC Kristall – Proton
15:00 (Russia. NMHL)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Campionato del mondo Under-18. Div III. Gruppo B Tailandia U18 – Sudafrica U18
15:00 (Gruppo B)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Santiago De La Fuente – Valerio Aboian
15:05 (ATP Challenger)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Kilian Feldbausch – Pedro Boscardin Dias
15:05 (ATP Challenger)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Matias Soto – Nicolas Kicker
15:05 (ATP Challenger)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Kigali 2 Carlos Sanchez Jover – Max Houkes
15:05 (ATP Challenger. Kigali 2)
Tennis. ATP Challenger Maxime Cressy – Florian Broska
15:10 (ATP Challenger)
Tutte le dirette -      


Inghilterra. Premier League

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Giornata 1 (Video)
17 agosto, sabato
Liverpool – Stoke City Liverpool 1:0 Stoke City
Arsenal – Aston Villa Arsenal 1:3 Aston Villa
West Ham – Cardiff West Ham 2:0 Cardiff
Sunderland – Fulham Sunderland 0:1 Fulham
West Bromwich – Southampton West Bromwich 0:1 Southampton
Norwich – Everton Norwich 2:2 Everton
Swansea – Manchester Utd Swansea 1:4 Manchester Utd
18 agosto, domenica
Crystal Palace – Tottenham Crystal Palace 0:1 Tottenham
Chelsea – Hull City Chelsea 2:0 Hull City
19 agosto, lunedì
Manchester City – Newcastle Manchester City 4:0 Newcastle

Giornata 2 (Video)
24 agosto, sabato
Fulham – Arsenal Fulham 1:3 Arsenal
Hull City – Norwich Hull City 1:0 Norwich
Stoke City – Crystal Palace Stoke City 2:1 Crystal Palace
Southampton – Sunderland Southampton 1:1 Sunderland
Newcastle – West Ham Newcastle 0:0 West Ham
Everton – West Bromwich Everton 0:0 West Bromwich
Aston Villa – Liverpool Aston Villa 0:1 Liverpool
25 agosto, domenica
Cardiff – Manchester City Cardiff 3:2 Manchester City
Tottenham – Swansea Tottenham 1:0 Swansea
26 agosto, lunedì
Manchester Utd – Chelsea Manchester Utd 0:0 Chelsea

Giornata 3 (Video)
21 agosto, mercoledì
Chelsea – Aston Villa Chelsea 2:1 Aston Villa
31 agosto, sabato
Manchester City – Hull City Manchester City 2:0 Hull City
Norwich – Southampton Norwich 1:0 Southampton
Cardiff – Everton Cardiff 0:0 Everton
West Ham – Stoke City West Ham 0:1 Stoke City
Newcastle – Fulham Newcastle 1:0 Fulham
Crystal Palace – Sunderland Crystal Palace 3:1 Sunderland
1 settembre, domenica
Liverpool – Manchester Utd Liverpool 1:0 Manchester Utd
West Bromwich – Swansea West Bromwich 0:2 Swansea
Arsenal – Tottenham Arsenal 1:0 Tottenham

Giornata 4 (Video)
14 settembre, sabato
Manchester Utd – Crystal Palace Manchester Utd 2:0 Crystal Palace
Hull City – Cardiff Hull City 1:1 Cardiff
Stoke City – Manchester City Stoke City 0:0 Manchester City
Sunderland – Arsenal Sunderland 1:3 Arsenal
Fulham – West Bromwich Fulham 1:1 West Bromwich
Aston Villa – Newcastle Aston Villa 1:2 Newcastle
Tottenham – Norwich Tottenham 2:0 Norwich
Everton – Chelsea Everton 1:0 Chelsea
15 settembre, domenica
Southampton – West Ham Southampton 0:0 West Ham
16 settembre, lunedì
Swansea – Liverpool Swansea 2:2 Liverpool

Giornata 5 (Video)
21 settembre, sabato
Norwich – Aston Villa Norwich 0:1 Aston Villa
Liverpool – Southampton Liverpool 0:1 Southampton
Newcastle – Hull City Newcastle 2:3 Hull City
West Ham – Everton West Ham 2:3 Everton
West Bromwich – Sunderland West Bromwich 3:0 Sunderland
Chelsea – Fulham Chelsea 2:0 Fulham
22 settembre, domenica
Crystal Palace – Swansea Crystal Palace 0:2 Swansea
Arsenal – Stoke City Arsenal 3:1 Stoke City
Manchester City – Manchester Utd Manchester City 4:1 Manchester Utd
Cardiff – Tottenham Cardiff 0:1 Tottenham

Giornata 6 (Video)
28 settembre, sabato
Tottenham – Chelsea Tottenham 1:1 Chelsea
Hull City – West Ham Hull City 1:0 West Ham
Southampton – Crystal Palace Southampton 2:0 Crystal Palace
Fulham – Cardiff Fulham 1:2 Cardiff
Aston Villa – Manchester City Aston Villa 3:2 Manchester City
Manchester Utd – West Bromwich Manchester Utd 1:2 West Bromwich
Swansea – Arsenal Swansea 1:2 Arsenal
29 settembre, domenica
Stoke City – Norwich Stoke City 0:1 Norwich
Sunderland – Liverpool Sunderland 1:3 Liverpool
30 settembre, lunedì
Everton – Newcastle Everton 3:2 Newcastle

Giornata 7 (Video)
5 ottobre, sabato
Manchester City – Everton Manchester City 3:1 Everton
Hull City – Aston Villa Hull City 0:0 Aston Villa
Cardiff – Newcastle Cardiff 1:2 Newcastle
Fulham – Stoke City Fulham 1:0 Stoke City
Liverpool – Crystal Palace Liverpool 3:1 Crystal Palace
Sunderland – Manchester Utd Sunderland 1:2 Manchester Utd
6 ottobre, domenica
Southampton – Swansea Southampton 2:0 Swansea
Norwich – Chelsea Norwich 1:3 Chelsea
Tottenham – West Ham Tottenham 0:3 West Ham
West Bromwich – Arsenal West Bromwich 1:1 Arsenal

Giornata 8 (Video)
19 ottobre, sabato
Newcastle – Liverpool Newcastle 2:2 Liverpool
Manchester Utd – Southampton Manchester Utd 1:1 Southampton
Chelsea – Cardiff Chelsea 4:1 Cardiff
Arsenal – Norwich Arsenal 4:1 Norwich
Everton – Hull City Everton 2:1 Hull City
Stoke City – West Bromwich Stoke City 0:0 West Bromwich
Swansea – Sunderland Swansea 4:0 Sunderland
West Ham – Manchester City West Ham 1:3 Manchester City
20 ottobre, domenica
Aston Villa – Tottenham Aston Villa 0:2 Tottenham
21 ottobre, lunedì
Crystal Palace – Fulham Crystal Palace 1:4 Fulham

Giornata 9 (Video)
26 ottobre, sabato
Crystal Palace – Arsenal Crystal Palace 0:2 Arsenal
Norwich – Cardiff Norwich 0:0 Cardiff
Aston Villa – Everton Aston Villa 0:2 Everton
Liverpool – West Bromwich Liverpool 4:1 West Bromwich
Manchester Utd – Stoke City Manchester Utd 3:2 Stoke City
Southampton – Fulham Southampton 2:0 Fulham
27 ottobre, domenica
Sunderland – Newcastle Sunderland 2:1 Newcastle
Swansea – West Ham Swansea 0:0 West Ham
Tottenham – Hull City Tottenham 1:0 Hull City
Chelsea – Manchester City Chelsea 2:1 Manchester City

Giornata 10 (Video)
2 novembre, sabato
Newcastle – Chelsea Newcastle 2:0 Chelsea
Hull City – Sunderland Hull City 1:0 Sunderland
Stoke City – Southampton Stoke City 1:1 Southampton
West Bromwich – Crystal Palace West Bromwich 2:0 Crystal Palace
West Ham – Aston Villa West Ham 0:0 Aston Villa
Fulham – Manchester Utd Fulham 1:3 Manchester Utd
Manchester City – Norwich Manchester City 7:0 Norwich
Arsenal – Liverpool Arsenal 2:0 Liverpool
3 novembre, domenica
Everton – Tottenham Everton 0:0 Tottenham
Cardiff – Swansea Cardiff 1:0 Swansea

Giornata 11 (Video)
9 novembre, sabato
Crystal Palace – Everton Crystal Palace 0:0 Everton
Southampton – Hull City Southampton 4:1 Hull City
Aston Villa – Cardiff Aston Villa 2:0 Cardiff
Liverpool – Fulham Liverpool 4:0 Fulham
Chelsea – West Bromwich Chelsea 2:2 West Bromwich
Norwich – West Ham Norwich 3:1 West Ham
10 novembre, domenica
Tottenham – Newcastle Tottenham 0:1 Newcastle
Sunderland – Manchester City Sunderland 1:0 Manchester City
Manchester Utd – Arsenal Manchester Utd 1:0 Arsenal
Swansea – Stoke City Swansea 3:3 Stoke City

Giornata 12 (Video)
23 novembre, sabato
Everton – Liverpool Everton 3:3 Liverpool
Hull City – Crystal Palace Hull City 0:1 Crystal Palace
Stoke City – Sunderland Stoke City 2:0 Sunderland
Fulham – Swansea Fulham 1:2 Swansea
Newcastle – Norwich Newcastle 2:1 Norwich
Arsenal – Southampton Arsenal 2:0 Southampton
West Ham – Chelsea West Ham 0:3 Chelsea
24 novembre, domenica
Manchester City – Tottenham Manchester City 6:0 Tottenham
Cardiff – Manchester Utd Cardiff 2:2 Manchester Utd
25 novembre, lunedì
West Bromwich – Aston Villa West Bromwich 2:2 Aston Villa

Giornata 13 (Video)
30 novembre, sabato
Everton – Stoke City Everton 4:0 Stoke City
Aston Villa – Sunderland Aston Villa 0:0 Sunderland
West Ham – Fulham West Ham 3:0 Fulham
Cardiff – Arsenal Cardiff 0:3 Arsenal
Norwich – Crystal Palace Norwich 1:0 Crystal Palace
Newcastle – West Bromwich Newcastle 2:1 West Bromwich
1 dicembre, domenica
Tottenham – Manchester Utd Tottenham 2:2 Manchester Utd
Hull City – Liverpool Hull City 3:1 Liverpool
Chelsea – Southampton Chelsea 3:1 Southampton
Manchester City – Swansea Manchester City 3:0 Swansea

Giornata 14 (Video)
3 dicembre, martedì
Crystal Palace – West Ham Crystal Palace 1:0 West Ham
Swansea – Newcastle Swansea 3:0 Newcastle
Stoke City – Cardiff Stoke City 0:0 Cardiff
Southampton – Aston Villa Southampton 2:3 Aston Villa
Sunderland – Chelsea Sunderland 3:4 Chelsea
Arsenal – Hull City Arsenal 2:0 Hull City
Liverpool – Norwich Liverpool 5:1 Norwich
Manchester Utd – Everton Manchester Utd 0:1 Everton
4 dicembre, mercoledì
Fulham – Tottenham Fulham 1:2 Tottenham
West Bromwich – Manchester City West Bromwich 2:3 Manchester City

Giornata 15 (Video)
7 dicembre, sabato
Manchester Utd – Newcastle Manchester Utd 0:1 Newcastle
Crystal Palace – Cardiff Crystal Palace 2:0 Cardiff
Stoke City – Chelsea Stoke City 3:2 Chelsea
Southampton – Manchester City Southampton 1:1 Manchester City
West Bromwich – Norwich West Bromwich 0:2 Norwich
Liverpool – West Ham Liverpool 4:1 West Ham
Sunderland – Tottenham Sunderland 1:2 Tottenham
8 dicembre, domenica
Fulham – Aston Villa Fulham 2:0 Aston Villa
Arsenal – Everton Arsenal 1:1 Everton
9 dicembre, lunedì
Swansea – Hull City Swansea 1:1 Hull City

Giornata 16 (Video)
14 dicembre, sabato
Manchester City – Arsenal Manchester City 6:3 Arsenal
Cardiff – West Bromwich Cardiff 1:0 West Bromwich
West Ham – Sunderland West Ham 0:0 Sunderland
Newcastle – Southampton Newcastle 1:1 Southampton
Everton – Fulham Everton 4:1 Fulham
Chelsea – Crystal Palace Chelsea 2:1 Crystal Palace
Hull City – Stoke City Hull City 0:0 Stoke City
15 dicembre, domenica
Aston Villa – Manchester Utd Aston Villa 0:3 Manchester Utd
Norwich – Swansea Norwich 1:1 Swansea
Tottenham – Liverpool Tottenham 0:5 Liverpool

Giornata 17 (Video)
21 dicembre, sabato
Liverpool – Cardiff Liverpool 3:1 Cardiff
Manchester Utd – West Ham Manchester Utd 3:1 West Ham
Fulham – Manchester City Fulham 2:4 Manchester City
Sunderland – Norwich Sunderland 0:0 Norwich
West Bromwich – Hull City West Bromwich 1:1 Hull City
Stoke City – Aston Villa Stoke City 2:1 Aston Villa
Crystal Palace – Newcastle Crystal Palace 0:3 Newcastle
22 dicembre, domenica
Southampton – Tottenham Southampton 2:3 Tottenham
Swansea – Everton Swansea 1:2 Everton
23 dicembre, lunedì
Arsenal – Chelsea Arsenal 0:0 Chelsea

Giornata 18 (Video)
26 dicembre, giovedì
Hull City – Manchester Utd Hull City 2:3 Manchester Utd
Cardiff – Southampton Cardiff 0:3 Southampton
West Ham – Arsenal West Ham 1:3 Arsenal
Newcastle – Stoke City Newcastle 5:1 Stoke City
Aston Villa – Crystal Palace Aston Villa 0:1 Crystal Palace
Tottenham – West Bromwich Tottenham 1:1 West Bromwich
Everton – Sunderland Everton 0:1 Sunderland
Chelsea – Swansea Chelsea 1:0 Swansea
Norwich – Fulham Norwich 1:2 Fulham
Manchester City – Liverpool Manchester City 2:1 Liverpool

Giornata 19 (Video)
28 dicembre, sabato
West Ham – West Bromwich West Ham 3:3 West Bromwich
Aston Villa – Swansea Aston Villa 1:1 Swansea
Manchester City – Crystal Palace Manchester City 1:0 Crystal Palace
Norwich – Manchester Utd Norwich 0:1 Manchester Utd
Hull City – Fulham Hull City 6:0 Fulham
Cardiff – Sunderland Cardiff 2:2 Sunderland
29 dicembre, domenica
Everton – Southampton Everton 2:1 Southampton
Newcastle – Arsenal Newcastle 0:1 Arsenal
Chelsea – Liverpool Chelsea 2:1 Liverpool
Tottenham – Stoke City Tottenham 3:0 Stoke City

Giornata 20 (Video)
1 gennaio, mercoledì
Swansea – Manchester City Swansea 2:3 Manchester City
Liverpool – Hull City Liverpool 2:0 Hull City
Crystal Palace – Norwich Crystal Palace 1:1 Norwich
Stoke City – Everton Stoke City 1:1 Everton
Southampton – Chelsea Southampton 0:3 Chelsea
West Bromwich – Newcastle West Bromwich 1:0 Newcastle
Sunderland – Aston Villa Sunderland 0:1 Aston Villa
Fulham – West Ham Fulham 2:1 West Ham
Arsenal – Cardiff Arsenal 2:0 Cardiff
Manchester Utd – Tottenham Manchester Utd 1:2 Tottenham

Giornata 21 (Video)
11 gennaio, sabato
Hull City – Chelsea Hull City 0:2 Chelsea
Cardiff – West Ham Cardiff 0:2 West Ham
Southampton – West Bromwich Southampton 1:0 West Bromwich
Fulham – Sunderland Fulham 1:4 Sunderland
Tottenham – Crystal Palace Tottenham 2:0 Crystal Palace
Everton – Norwich Everton 2:0 Norwich
Manchester Utd – Swansea Manchester Utd 2:0 Swansea
12 gennaio, domenica
Newcastle – Manchester City Newcastle 0:2 Manchester City
Stoke City – Liverpool Stoke City 3:5 Liverpool
13 gennaio, lunedì
Aston Villa – Arsenal Aston Villa 1:2 Arsenal

Giornata 22 (Video)
18 gennaio, sabato
Sunderland – Southampton Sunderland 2:2 Southampton
Arsenal – Fulham Arsenal 2:0 Fulham
Manchester City – Cardiff Manchester City 4:2 Cardiff
West Ham – Newcastle West Ham 1:3 Newcastle
Norwich – Hull City Norwich 1:0 Hull City
Crystal Palace – Stoke City Crystal Palace 1:0 Stoke City
Liverpool – Aston Villa Liverpool 2:2 Aston Villa
19 gennaio, domenica
Swansea – Tottenham Swansea 1:3 Tottenham
Chelsea – Manchester Utd Chelsea 3:1 Manchester Utd
20 gennaio, lunedì
West Bromwich – Everton West Bromwich 1:1 Everton

Giornata 23 (Video)
28 gennaio, martedì
Swansea – Fulham Swansea 2:0 Fulham
Norwich – Newcastle Norwich 0:0 Newcastle
Southampton – Arsenal Southampton 2:2 Arsenal
Sunderland – Stoke City Sunderland 1:0 Stoke City
Manchester Utd – Cardiff Manchester Utd 2:0 Cardiff
28 gennaio, martedì
Liverpool – Everton Liverpool 4:0 Everton
Crystal Palace – Hull City Crystal Palace 1:0 Hull City
Chelsea – West Ham Chelsea 0:0 West Ham
Tottenham – Manchester City Tottenham 1:5 Manchester City
Aston Villa – West Bromwich Aston Villa 4:3 West Bromwich

Giornata 24 (Video)
1 febbraio, sabato
West Ham – Swansea West Ham 2:0 Swansea
Newcastle – Sunderland Newcastle 0:3 Sunderland
Everton – Aston Villa Everton 2:1 Aston Villa
Fulham – Southampton Fulham 0:3 Southampton
Stoke City – Manchester Utd Stoke City 2:1 Manchester Utd
Cardiff – Norwich Cardiff 2:1 Norwich
Hull City – Tottenham Hull City 1:1 Tottenham
2 febbraio, domenica
West Bromwich – Liverpool West Bromwich 1:1 Liverpool
Arsenal – Crystal Palace Arsenal 2:0 Crystal Palace
3 febbraio, lunedì
Manchester City – Chelsea Manchester City 0:1 Chelsea

Giornata 25 (Video)
8 febbraio, sabato
Liverpool – Arsenal Liverpool 5:1 Arsenal
Crystal Palace – West Bromwich Crystal Palace 3:1 West Bromwich
Norwich – Manchester City Norwich 0:0 Manchester City
Southampton – Stoke City Southampton 2:2 Stoke City
Sunderland – Hull City Sunderland 0:2 Hull City
Aston Villa – West Ham Aston Villa 0:2 West Ham
Chelsea – Newcastle Chelsea 3:0 Newcastle
Swansea – Cardiff Swansea 3:0 Cardiff
9 febbraio, domenica
Tottenham – Everton Tottenham 1:0 Everton
Manchester Utd – Fulham Manchester Utd 2:2 Fulham

Giornata 26 (Video)
10 febbraio, lunedì
West Bromwich – Chelsea West Bromwich 1:1 Chelsea
West Ham – Norwich West Ham 2:0 Norwich
Cardiff – Aston Villa Cardiff 0:0 Aston Villa
Hull City – Southampton Hull City 0:1 Southampton
11 febbraio, martedì
Fulham – Liverpool Fulham 2:3 Liverpool
Stoke City – Swansea Stoke City 1:1 Swansea
Newcastle – Tottenham Newcastle 0:4 Tottenham
Arsenal – Manchester Utd Arsenal 0:0 Manchester Utd
16 febbraio, domenica
Everton – Crystal Palace Everton 2:3 Crystal Palace
Manchester City – Sunderland Manchester City 2:2 Sunderland

Giornata 27
22 febbraio, sabato
Chelsea – Everton Chelsea 1:0 Everton
Cardiff – Hull City Cardiff 0:4 Hull City
West Bromwich – Fulham West Bromwich 1:1 Fulham
West Ham – Southampton West Ham 3:1 Southampton
Manchester City – Stoke City Manchester City 1:0 Stoke City
Arsenal – Sunderland Arsenal 4:1 Sunderland
Crystal Palace – Manchester Utd Crystal Palace 0:2 Manchester Utd
23 febbraio, domenica
Newcastle – Aston Villa Newcastle 1:0 Aston Villa
Liverpool – Swansea Liverpool 4:3 Swansea
Norwich – Tottenham Norwich 1:0 Tottenham

Giornata 28 (Video)
1 marzo, sabato
Everton – West Ham Everton 1:0 West Ham
Fulham – Chelsea Fulham 1:3 Chelsea
Stoke City – Arsenal Stoke City 1:0 Arsenal
Hull City – Newcastle Hull City 1:4 Newcastle
Southampton – Liverpool Southampton 0:3 Liverpool
2 marzo, domenica
Swansea – Crystal Palace Swansea 1:1 Crystal Palace
Aston Villa – Norwich Aston Villa 4:1 Norwich
Tottenham – Cardiff Tottenham 1:0 Cardiff
24 marzo, lunedì
Manchester Utd – Manchester City Manchester Utd 0:3 Manchester City
7 maggio, mercoledì
Sunderland – West Bromwich Sunderland 2:0 West Bromwich

Giornata 29 (Video)
8 marzo, sabato
West Bromwich – Manchester Utd West Bromwich 0:3 Manchester Utd
Norwich – Stoke City Norwich 1:1 Stoke City
Crystal Palace – Southampton Crystal Palace 0:1 Southampton
Cardiff – Fulham Cardiff 3:1 Fulham
Chelsea – Tottenham Chelsea 4:0 Tottenham
25 marzo, martedì
Newcastle – Everton Newcastle 0:3 Everton
Arsenal – Swansea Arsenal 2:2 Swansea
26 marzo, mercoledì
West Ham – Hull City West Ham 2:1 Hull City
26 marzo, mercoledì
Liverpool – Sunderland Liverpool 2:1 Sunderland
7 maggio, mercoledì
Manchester City – Aston Villa Manchester City 4:0 Aston Villa

Giornata 30 (Video)
15 marzo, sabato
Hull City – Manchester City Hull City 0:2 Manchester City
Fulham – Newcastle Fulham 1:0 Newcastle
Everton – Cardiff Everton 2:1 Cardiff
Sunderland – Crystal Palace Sunderland 0:0 Crystal Palace
Southampton – Norwich Southampton 4:2 Norwich
Stoke City – West Ham Stoke City 3:1 West Ham
Swansea – West Bromwich Swansea 1:2 West Bromwich
Aston Villa – Chelsea Aston Villa 1:0 Chelsea
16 marzo, domenica
Manchester Utd – Liverpool Manchester Utd 0:3 Liverpool
Tottenham – Arsenal Tottenham 0:1 Arsenal

Giornata 31 (Video)
22 marzo, sabato
Chelsea – Arsenal Chelsea 6:0 Arsenal
Norwich – Sunderland Norwich 2:0 Sunderland
Hull City – West Bromwich Hull City 2:0 West Bromwich
Cardiff – Liverpool Cardiff 3:6 Liverpool
Manchester City – Fulham Manchester City 5:0 Fulham
Newcastle – Crystal Palace Newcastle 1:0 Crystal Palace
Everton – Swansea Everton 3:2 Swansea
West Ham – Manchester Utd West Ham 0:2 Manchester Utd
23 marzo, domenica
Tottenham – Southampton Tottenham 3:2 Southampton
Aston Villa – Stoke City Aston Villa 1:4 Stoke City

Giornata 32 (Video)
29 marzo, sabato
Manchester Utd – Aston Villa Manchester Utd 4:1 Aston Villa
West Bromwich – Cardiff West Bromwich 3:3 Cardiff
Southampton – Newcastle Southampton 4:0 Newcastle
Stoke City – Hull City Stoke City 1:0 Hull City
Swansea – Norwich Swansea 3:0 Norwich
Crystal Palace – Chelsea Crystal Palace 1:0 Chelsea
Arsenal – Manchester City Arsenal 1:1 Manchester City
30 marzo, domenica
Fulham – Everton Fulham 1:3 Everton
Liverpool – Tottenham Liverpool 4:0 Tottenham
31 marzo, lunedì
Sunderland – West Ham Sunderland 1:2 West Ham

Giornata 33 (Video)
5 aprile, sabato
Manchester City – Southampton Manchester City 4:1 Southampton
Aston Villa – Fulham Aston Villa 1:2 Fulham
Newcastle – Manchester Utd Newcastle 0:4 Manchester Utd
Cardiff – Crystal Palace Cardiff 0:3 Crystal Palace
Norwich – West Bromwich Norwich 0:1 West Bromwich
Hull City – Swansea Hull City 1:0 Swansea
Chelsea – Stoke City Chelsea 3:0 Stoke City
6 aprile, domenica
Everton – Arsenal Everton 3:0 Arsenal
West Ham – Liverpool West Ham 1:2 Liverpool
7 aprile, lunedì
Tottenham – Sunderland Tottenham 5:1 Sunderland

Giornata 34 (Video)
12 aprile, sabato
Crystal Palace – Aston Villa Crystal Palace 1:0 Aston Villa
Stoke City – Newcastle Stoke City 1:0 Newcastle
West Bromwich – Tottenham West Bromwich 3:3 Tottenham
Sunderland – Everton Sunderland 0:1 Everton
Fulham – Norwich Fulham 1:0 Norwich
Southampton – Cardiff Southampton 0:1 Cardiff
13 aprile, domenica
Liverpool – Manchester City Liverpool 3:2 Manchester City
Swansea – Chelsea Swansea 0:1 Chelsea
15 aprile, martedì
Arsenal – West Ham Arsenal 3:1 West Ham
6 maggio, martedì
Manchester Utd – Hull City Manchester Utd 3:1 Hull City

Giornata 35 (Video)
19 aprile, sabato
Tottenham – Fulham Tottenham 3:1 Fulham
Cardiff – Stoke City Cardiff 1:1 Stoke City
West Ham – Crystal Palace West Ham 0:1 Crystal Palace
Aston Villa – Southampton Aston Villa 0:0 Southampton
Newcastle – Swansea Newcastle 1:2 Swansea
Hull City – Arsenal Hull City 0:3 Arsenal
20 aprile, domenica
Norwich – Liverpool Norwich 2:3 Liverpool
Chelsea – Sunderland Chelsea 1:2 Sunderland
Everton – Manchester Utd Everton 2:0 Manchester Utd
21 aprile, lunedì
Manchester City – West Bromwich Manchester City 3:1 West Bromwich

Giornata 36 (Video)
26 aprile, sabato
Southampton – Everton Southampton 2:0 Everton
Swansea – Aston Villa Swansea 4:1 Aston Villa
Stoke City – Tottenham Stoke City 0:1 Tottenham
Fulham – Hull City Fulham 2:2 Hull City
West Bromwich – West Ham West Bromwich 1:0 West Ham
Manchester Utd – Norwich Manchester Utd 4:0 Norwich
27 aprile, domenica
Sunderland – Cardiff Sunderland 4:0 Cardiff
Liverpool – Chelsea Liverpool 0:2 Chelsea
Crystal Palace – Manchester City Crystal Palace 0:2 Manchester City
28 aprile, lunedì
Arsenal – Newcastle Arsenal 3:0 Newcastle

Giornata 37 (Video)
3 maggio, sabato
West Ham – Tottenham West Ham 2:0 Tottenham
Swansea – Southampton Swansea 0:1 Southampton
Stoke City – Fulham Stoke City 4:1 Fulham
Manchester Utd – Sunderland Manchester Utd 0:1 Sunderland
Aston Villa – Hull City Aston Villa 3:1 Hull City
Newcastle – Cardiff Newcastle 3:0 Cardiff
Everton – Manchester City Everton 2:3 Manchester City
4 maggio, domenica
Arsenal – West Bromwich Arsenal 1:0 West Bromwich
Chelsea – Norwich Chelsea 0:0 Norwich
5 maggio, lunedì
Crystal Palace – Liverpool Crystal Palace 3:3 Liverpool

Giornata 38 (Video)
11 maggio, domenica
Norwich – Arsenal Norwich 0:2 Arsenal
Cardiff – Chelsea Cardiff 1:2 Chelsea
Southampton – Manchester Utd Southampton 1:1 Manchester Utd
West Bromwich – Stoke City West Bromwich 1:2 Stoke City
Sunderland – Swansea Sunderland 1:3 Swansea
Fulham – Crystal Palace Fulham 2:2 Crystal Palace
Manchester City – West Ham Manchester City 2:0 West Ham
Tottenham – Aston Villa Tottenham 3:0 Aston Villa
Liverpool – Newcastle Liverpool 2:1 Newcastle
Hull City – Everton Hull City 0:2 Everton
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